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The MicroBiome Run

is a cutting edge treatment for reversing chronic diseases

by altering your gut bacteria
Based on the collaboration between the University of Szeged Institute of Medical Biology and MicroBiome Bank
Run for it!

The MicroBiome Run

is an experiment to discover the limits of the human microbiome for your benefit

We, "The Microbiome Run" Team, believe that knowledge accumulated in science and sport should be harnessed together to fight chronic diseases and push the limits of human performance. That's why we've introduced the world's first UltraBiome capsules, containing carefully selected human microbiomes from elite athletes. The process is designed to help people looking to exercise through the first three months of a lifestyle change. Our goal is quality of life, not longevity!

Every scientific theory is only as good as its practical application. And it is the interventions that really get the attention of the average person, where visible and radical changes can be brought about. Although The MicroBiome Run is a health programme that emphasises gradualism, we wanted to show you the change it can make through an unusual experiment, a one-off event.

With an extreme version of the The MicroBiome Run programme, we will prepare a colleague to run an ultra distance on 15th of June 2024, i.e. to achieve a performance that he has not been able to accomplish before. We want to show you the process in detail, so you can discover for yourself how our capsules and programme can be integrated into your everyday life. This can help you both solve health problems and achieve greater athletic performance.

By following our event, you'll take the first step towards a healthier, stronger you. Whether you're an athlete looking to optimise your performance or someone struggling with a chronic illness, our service can help you break through barriers and achieve new goals. Follow us and discover how you can improve your health and fitness with microbiome capsules, and join The Microbiome Run as a program to start a new life for yourself!

It's time to run with a purpose, and that purpose is YOU!

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the programme, one of our colleagues undertook to prepare under

days to enable himself to cover
kilometers in one go.

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Medical background

The MicroBiome Run

is the name of both a 180-day health programme and an event to demonstrate its effectiveness. If you have read "Medical Background", have insulin resistance, diabetes or are overweight and want to change your life, now is the time to sign up!

The building blocks of The MicroBiome Run are easy to follow and may be adjusted accordingly by a medical professional

Our main goal is to demonstrate how Microbiome Transfer Therapy (MTT) with a well established medical program can make you able to exercise regularly and thus overcome your barriers to reverse chronic diseases. Bacteria will provide you with a natural boost to help you do the work.

However, MTT is a complex medical intervention that requires specialist indication and considerable experience. Our task is to modify the subject's microbiome during the experiment so that he is able to complete the set distance. In order for a given bacterial matrix to survive in a new host, the host organism must be ready to accept it, so MicroBiome Bank's UltraBiome capsules will only be used if all the medical conditions of the runner are suitable for this at that stage of the experiment. The conversion process will be monitored by regular medical examinations. The flowchart shows the sequential steps of the The MikroBiome Run programme modified to deliver the ultra distance.

Before learning the steps, meet our colleague Dr. Gábor Patay, who has volunteered to complete the distance.

Physical Training (days 1-40)

Physical exercise only, according to a training plan. All training activities are recorded and published on Garmin Connect and Strava websites.

Aug 20, 2023

Sleep Adjustment (from day 41)

Adjusting the sleeping habits of the subject to enable flawless training. Sleeping patterns are recorded and published weekly.Sep 30, 2023

Diet Changes (from day 51)

A gradual adjustment of the diet to meet the demand of the increased workload. All food and drink is recorded daily.

Oct 10, 2023

Cross Training (from day 61)

To provide additional training (cycling, swimming, windsurfing, etc.) to further prepare the musculo-skeletal system.

Oct 20, 2023

MTT Compatibility Testing (day 151 & 200)

Administering TestBiome capsules for the subject to find the best possible combination of lyofilized human microbiome.

Jan 18, 2023

MTT Treatment (day 290-298)

Administering UltraBiome MTT capsules to enable subject to cover the prescribed distance.

Jun 05, 2023

The MicroBiome Run

The MicroBiome Run is planned to be completed between Tossa de Mar and Placa de Espanya, Barcelona. The route will be published once all authorisations are provided by the relevant authorities.

Jun 15, 2023

Tell us who you are

Letting us now your current state of health, your goals and your expectations will help us understand your needs. Running is one of the very few exercises that will slow down the aging process and balance between being fit and saving energy.

"You don't stop running because you get old, you get old because you stop running." - Christopher McDougall

Although we have prepared a complete information package for you, there may be some things you already know. You may either read our comprehensive information brochure available under 'Medical Background' on the top of the page, our skip to the part you are most interested in by clicking the appropriate picture below.

Chronic disease

I have a chronic disease

Due to my current medical status I never excercise

Weekend warrior

I am Weekend Warrior

I lack stamina. I begin over and over again, but end up quitting

Ultra athlete

I am an ultra athlete

I aim to push post my current boundaries

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Over the past decade, our knowledge about the human microbiome has exploded. At the same time, it is very difficult to filter out from the mass of information available the clinical trials, summaries and presentations that have a real and tangible relevance, that are understandable and maybe applied to the everyday clinical work or your everyday life. As of the beginning of The MicroBiome Run program, we will keep you updated of all new training sessions, food recepies or medical interventions that were used. Follow The MicroBiome Run and change your own life!

We will post blog articles in


Get in Touch

Usually We respond to e-mails MO – FRI 2 times a day

MicroBiome Bank Ltd.
2 Brandon Road
Braintree, Essex
United Kingdom
Want to Talk?
+36 70 311-9719
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    Store your form - Help others

    If you are an ultra runner, this is the perfect moment to use your health to help others. With a special set of bacteria unique to people capable of running long distances, you may provide a second chance for patients with chronic diseases. Your microbiome may give them the boost much needed to change their lives.

    But a perfect deal has always two sides. If you participate in our donor program, you will receive a wide range of free medical services from us as a part of the process. But not only that: should you be completely suitable for donation and willing to donate on a regular basis, our company's partner will provide you with clean meat throughout the year. In fact! We also give you the opportunity to use your own microbiome for shape dating.

    If you would just simply be interested in joining us for a run on the 15th of June, please write us, so we can count on you. The counter shows the time remaining for you to prepare for the 90 kilometers.

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