Medical background

Rebooting your body

Elite athletes are kept fit by the systems in their muscles and the bacteria in their gut. The former can take up to six months to revive in you, but the right bacteria can be introduced into the gut.
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Rebooting your body

How to start your MicroBiome Run?

MicroBiomeRun is MicroBiome Bank's unique programme for the recovery of metabolic disorders caused by insufficient physical activity, supported, where necessary, by the MTT (MicroBiota Transfer Treatment) process it has developed. Participants in the programme will benefit from an all-inclusive health counselling session, during which they will be assisted with breathing, immune system strengthening and microbiota optimisation, in addition to sleep, wakefulness, nutrition and physical activity.

Please read this document carefully and follow the guidelines described here. You will be asked to fill in the information each day to the best of your ability.


👩 Medical background
In nature, the balance is determined by two opposing forces: the constant maintenance of physical readiness to obtain food versus the conservation of energy to exert effort. Chronic illnesses are associated with altered metabolism, whether cancer or diabetes, and it is somewhat typical to find a decline in physical performance in the background.

The consequence of this imbalance is that the complex metabolic systems that provide the energy requirements for physical performance sustaining forms of exercise (such as running) simply collapse: there is no need for the biochemical pathways and structures that provide the energy requirements for sustained, low-intensity exercise, because the short-term energy requirements of most physical activities can be provided by systems (mainly carbohydrate metabolism) that are normally used only for temporary performance enhancement. The change in metabolism is due to the fact that it is easier - although undoubtedly more dangerous in the long term - for the body to use easily ingested carbohydrate than to rely constantly on, for example, fat metabolism.

The human body is able to use fat, carbohydrates and, in extreme circumstances, protein to provide energy for its functioning. Chemical energy is converted into kinetic energy to the greatest extent by skeletal muscles. It is therefore inevitable that one of the ways of dealing with chronic illness is to restore these muscles to full function, and running is the best way to do this.

👟 A The MicroBiome Run
One of the key aspects of metabolism is the balance of sugar and fat utilization, which is best ensured by physical exercise at optimal intensity, regularly and with adequate rest and recovery. In order to restore the body's ability to function in a stable and long-lasting way at low effort, a specific intensity of exercise must be practised and developed. The initial challenge is precisely that the body is unprepared and can easily be overwhelmed by too much intense muscle work, because of expectations for one's own physical development and the lack of experience. This can lead not only to injury but also to further deterioration of metabolic processes.

Through MicroBiome Run as a programme, we teach participants what to expect from their own body, provide the advice they need to move forward, monitor their progress and adapt the workload to their health challenges. The aim of the programme is to achieve a new level of physical fitness where metabolism is restored and daily activities can be carried out with ease.

MicroBiome Run aims to improve the quality of life, which is increasingly important for everyone as life expectancy increases. In cases where it is deemed that the restoration of systems that interact with the body (such as the human microbiota) cannot be achieved through lifestyle changes alone or would be too demanding for the participant, we also provide the option of medical restoration of bacterial homeostasis. The ultimate goal is to achieve a new state of physical strength where your metabolism is restored and your everyday activities are carried out with ease.

🖥 IT Background
The original aim of the MicroBiomeRun was to change the lives of 10 people. However, given the overwhelming interest in the programme, we set out to develop a system that would allow us to monitor a significantly larger number of participants at a time. We also undertook to meet the challenges of increased traffic, while at the same time expecting a much greater level of patience from those who join the programme. The IT system is designed to track the basic physical parameters of each MicroBiome Run participant and help them to make lifestyle changes. The numbers in the physical data table are only indicators, not targets to be achieved.

🗓 Timeframe
The pre-planned duration of the MicroBiome Run for all participants is 180 days, which can be extended if necessary. After six months, it is clear that someone is able to complete the work they have started on their own, without any further assistance, in which case they are considered to have successfully completed the programme.

Of course, for a number of reasons (illness, accident, family situation), it is possible that someone may have to suspend their participation, in which case we will discuss the next steps once the difficulties have been overcome.

📈 Impact to be achieved
Our aim is that by the end of the 180 days, participants will have developed an easy-to-follow daily and weekly routine, where running and cross-training sessions are no longer an obstacle to overcome, but a joyful activity that is part of the day. In terms of health parameters, the aim is to achieve a 6-8% weight loss by the end of the 180 days, to eat twice a day without starving and to improve general fitness.

RebootingYour Body - Introduction

Strategic steps

🧪 Screening tests and their assessment
One of the most important things to do is to screen the applicant, assess the tests that have been done and determine the risk of increased exercise for the participant. For the 10 people starting on 1 January, these analyses will be carried out by MicroBiome Bank's own doctors, and for the other applicants, a certificate from a general practitioner or sports doctor will be required, clearly stating that the subject is fit to tolerate a maximum of 200 minutes of low to moderate intensity physical activity (Zone 2-3 exercise or a maximum of 170 bpm) divded into 4 sessions per week.

💪 Revitalisation exercise
Teaching NO- (nitric oxide) based exercise to the participant, taking into account physical limitations. The aim of the short, high intensity exercise of 5x1 minutes per day is to increase the oxygen supply to the muscles by relaxing the skeletal muscle blood vessel walls.

🛌 Reprogramming the sleep cycle
The most restful sleep occurs between 22:00 and 05:00, when the body's recovery is maximised. For those having a watch capable of measuring HRV and sleep parameters, the data obtained will be analysed on a weekly basis and the results will be used to suggest any necessary changes. The ultimate goal is to wake up in a stress-free, wake-free, rested state.

🫁 Respiratory exercises
We will give participants new tools to learn relaxation, breathing applied to stress and breathing for stress management. Basically, we will increase the oxygenation of the body, help to train in Zone 2 during training, reduce the work required from the circulation. In order to then build up the right physical workload, these exercises are essential. Deep, circular, relaxation breathing technique should be mastered first, followed by learning double and triple breathing and tempo changes.

🍽 Digestive rhythm
The number and timing of meals should be adapted to sleep, physical exertion, metabolic problems, the goal to be achieved, the available ingredients and any digestive disorders and gradually reduced. In the case of metabolic diseases, the desired number of meals per day is two (2), which can be gradually adjusted by re-tuning the daily schedule.

🦿 Identification of physical zones
Running 2x5 and 1x10 km per week at a comfortable pace can greatly reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and can also help to reduce the risk of metabolic problems. After 60 years of age, this amount of running can be reduced to 65%, that is weekly 2x3 km and 1x7 km. If medical screening can minimise the occurrence of known risks (e.g. exclusion of advanced osteoporosis, cardiomegaly, coronary stenosis/obstruction, etc.), then all options for change are open to the participant. The physical workload will be adapted to the individual's health, the fitness of the musculoskeletal system and the state of the circulation.

😭 Management of pain
The increased load will result in a variety of pains, which is a natural part of the process. It's important to learn to de-stress, reposition, soothe pain, use foods that reduce inflammation and find a middle ground between pushing the limits and overstretching yourself.

Medical examinations

In order to participate in MicroBiomeRun as a programme, you must be medically fit. In order to ensure that the increased use poses the minimum risk to the applicant, the following tests are recommended:

🩻 Medical screening tests
- Cervical cancer screening: annually from the age of 16; - Prostate screening: annually from the age of 40, manual examination with UH and PSA; - Breast cancer screening: physical self-examination monthly, specialist manual examination annually from the age of 21, UH screening annually from the age of 40; - Oral cavity cancer screening: annually in conjunction with dental check-up; - Skin examination: monthly self-examination, specialist screening annually from 21 years of age; - Lung screening: over 40 years of age or annually for members of an increased risk group; - Colon and rectal examination: annual RDV over the age of 40, CT colonoscopy every 10 years from the age of 45; - Bone density measurement: over 50 years, especially for women every 3 years DEXA; - Thyroid screening: UH scan every 3 years; - Cervical vascular screening: cervical colour Doppler scan every 3 years from the age of 40 or every 3 years in high-risk groups; - Cardiological screening: if a general medical or other specialist or screening examination suggests a cardiac dysfunction. Although part of many screening tests, the determination of tumour markers without a history of cancer is not considered advisable because they are not informative.

🔬 Laboratory tests
- The selected test items should be able to map the basic functional status of cardiovascular, renal, hepatic, fat (cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-C, HDL-C) and carbohydrate (blood glucose, insulin, Hgb1ac) metabolism; - It will be necessary to evaluate the ions in the blood, the iron balance; - In addition to Ca, phosphate, vitamin D (?) due to increased bone stress, ß-crosslaps, a specific targeted test for bone health, may be requested; - To determine the inflammatory status, a complete blood count, CRP, levels of hormones that are important in stress tolerance, TSH produced by the thyroid gland and cortisol produced by the adrenal gland should also be determined; - Creatine kinase (CK) is an enzyme involved in cellular energy production. There are three diagnostically relevant variants, CK-MB of myocardial origin, CK-MM of skeletal muscle origin and CK-BB of brain origin. Creatine kinase activity and levels can vary in the body in response to physical activity, injury, disease and drugs. Measurement of creatine kinase can be an important diagnostic tool for the detection of myocardial infarction, muscle injury or muscular atrophy.

🏃 Preliminary assessment
If the screening and laboratory tests do not show any abnormalities that would require immediate treatment in any other direction, the values of the physical performance variables that are important to monitor for MicroBiome Run will be determined.

Tools and sites

To start MicroBiome Run, you will need relatively few things. In addition to the appropriate clothing, we use the following tools:

👣 Running shoes
The number of running shoes to choose from and the amount of information available on wearing shoes and musculoskeletal health is now beyond imagination. Although there is no "perfect" shoe for every runner, scientific evidence suggests that certain shoe characteristics can help to develop healthy running habits. [1] - There should be a minimum heel-to-toe drop (this refers to the difference in thickness between the heel pad and the toe pad; shoes 6 mm or less are considered "minimum"); - Neutral construction (shoes should not contain stability or motion control elements that interfere with the normal movement of the foot); - Be relatively light (around 300 g for size 40); - Have a wide toe box (the forefoot of the shoe should allow the runner to move the toes); - Balanced cushioning (too much cushioning allows extra movement of the lower limb in the stance phase and dampens proprioceptive feedback, while too little cushioning can be uncomfortable if the runner is not used to minimal cushioning).

⌚️ Watch
The most important thing is to be able to measure distance, time and heart rate, the rest is just extra. For measuring blood oxygen saturation they are of limited use, for calculating altitude (to take account of climbs) GPS now provides an almost perfect correction. From a medical point of view, it is not worth choosing the most expensive watches, if there is a choice, Garmin watches and the software support (interfaces, statistics) they come with will make the runner's job easier.

🩸 Blood glucose meter
It is perhaps more important that the test strip itself (if the device works with it) is of the right make (we recommend Acucheck/Roche strips), as devices now have very similar capabilities.

🚴 Sports equipment
If you are experiencing knee problems, especially in the early stages, we will recommend cross-training (cycling) or jumping rope for home strengthening exercises, depending on the type of problem.

🧭 Sites
In any case, it is advisable to choose a completely flat area for the first three months of running. Experience has shown that a varied, beautiful area with little traffic is much better suited to allowing the participant to concentrate on the task at hand. If a circular course is designated, the number of laps completed in one session should preferably not exceed three.

Let's run for it!

Here's how to get involved. It is important that you follow all the steps and the order in which they are taken. The steps are explained to show the difference between the first group (Group I) and the rest of the applicants.

👥 1. Target audience
MicroBiomeRun is not for everyone. In the light of the above, it is necessary to decide whether, as an applicant, you are capable of making a sustained mental and physical effort and changing your lifestyle, rhythm and habits over a period of years. In principle, participation is recommended for those who have not been successful with their own chronic disease despite the use of conventional protocols.

👨🏼 2. Medical tests
Please ensure that all applicants complete the tests detailed in the "Laboratory tests" section. For Group I participants, the completed material will be sent after the medical history has been taken, and for all other applicants it will be uploaded as an annex to the GP's opinion.

️3. Medical history and opinion
An on-line medical history questionnaire was created for Group I. This will be completed together on-line and an appointment will be arranged. For the other applicants, the medical history will be completed by the GP if he/she deems it necessary for the written fitness assessment. If the applicant's medical history is issued by the GP, it will be uploaded as an annex to the GP opinion, if not, the opportunity will be given to complete the medical history questionnaire individually.

🎽 4. Purchase of equipment
In parallel with the above, you can purchase the supplies detailed in the Tools and sites section, choose the sites and set up your weekday, weekend and holiday agenda. The latter will be needed from the second week of the programme.

💻 5. Registration
The next step in the process is to complete the registration process on MicroBiome Bank or MicroBiome Run, which involves filling in basic information and should take no longer than 5 minutes. Registration is available for up to 10 people per day via the link below, where MicroBiomeRun is selected as the programme: If the number of available places is full, you may want to try to register at a later date. Confirmation of registration is automatic, but this does not mean that the applicant has been accepted into the programme. A final decision will be taken after review of the documents submitted and the applicant will be informed in writing.

📄 6. Preliminary questionnaire
The questionnaire is open to those who already have a MicroBiome Bank ID, format U0000000. The questionnaire contains only 3 questions. This is necessary in order to set an achievable, well-defined goal and to see how you feel about your journey to the disease, your current condition and what goals you have set for yourself. There is no right or wrong answer, we want to know who we will be working with. The questionnaire is available at the link below:

⌨️ 7. Learning to record data
The last step of the preparation is to train the participant to use the database system and to upload the data. As an experiment, we will ask for 3 days of data to be recorded, if necessary, we will incorporate any difficulties encountered during use into the development. The data to be uploaded can be accessed via the link below:

Price of the program

You may choose from three options when enrolling into our program:
1. You may follow the steps published in our facebook group or from the 5th of January 2024 on our website on your own. We believe you may benefit from the different advices published there. In this case you have no access to microbiome transfer by capsules as you have no medical background, but is completely free of charge.

2. You may choose to look for a qualified physician in your country who is an expert in the field of microbiome restoration. You will need this expertise in case you are not progressing and microbiome transfer could help you reach out for the next level. In this case we recommend your physician to administer 1x2 TransferBiome capsules daily that you may purchase from MicroBiome Bank's website. We charge no extra for the participation.

3. You may also choose to enrol in our programme and receive a step-by-step guide with our TransferBiome capsules. The monthly fee for our programme is €349, which does not include the cost of the capsules. You will receive a detailed plan and your progress will be assessed on a 14-day basis.

👨🏼 Price of medical support and assessment on a 14-day basis: €349 / month

💊 TransferBiome, 60 capsules of whole microbiota suspension of human origin from screened donor, in lyophilized form for 30 days: €715/box
Please note that if you are a member of Team I starting MicroBiomeRun on the 1st of January and we have already approved your registration, these fees do not apply to you.


The Pioneer

Experiment without limits
  • follow the steps published regularly on our website from 5th January
  • use, modify and benefit from the different advices provided
  • medical support
  • access to TransferBiome capsules

The Independent

Organized your own team
  • follow the steps published regularly on our website from 5th January
  • use, consult and modify the different advices provided
  • medical support from your own doctor
  • access to TransferBiome capsules only through your own medical support

The MicroBiome Runner

Use our expertise
  • receive instructions by e-mail from 5th January
  • medical consulting regarding your screening and laboratory tests
  • personalised training plan
  • medical support by MicroBiome Bank
  • access to TransferBiome capsules based on your needs


This would be the 180-day programme that can change your life. We hope that our partnership will be an example of how to live a longer life with a more meaningful, healthier lifestyle.
If you have any questions, we are happy to answer them in the (Tr)Eat For Your Life Facebook group:

Patay MD - Bezzegh MD - Belatiny MD - Hernold MD



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Behind the story - Chronic Diseases